Elections NI

Open data for the Assembly Elections #AE22

Looking for volunteers to provide live results from count centres - @OrmerodCallum - #AE22


The aim of Elections NI is not only to produce easily accessible information, but to make it available to others to use, reuse and share.

We use a structured database framework (schema) for organising candidate, constituency and counts data. Representing the Assembly elections Single Transferable Vote (STV) counting system isn't straighforward, but we think the layout used by Irish Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) and shared with us works well.

Our datasets contain information from the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland (made available under the Open Government Licence) and from Democracy Club, under CC-By-SA


These databases are made available under the CC-By-SA 4.0. You should attribute authorship to electionsni.org and state that it contains data from the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland and Democracy Club, and provide a link to the same license.

At the moment we are focusing on the Assembly Elections. We'll be looking into creating databases for at past Assembly, Westminster and Local Government elections, but as this is a time-intensive process, for the meantime we recommend the ARK 'CAIN' webservice digitisation of past elections and referenda.